The below provides an overview of Pacifica’s latest strategic plan, including the process for its development and the goals and strategies that will guide our future. As an institute committed to psychological-mindedness in all that we do, our aim is to engage in a planning process and set of strategies for the future of Pacifica that are grounded in our mission and reflective of an inclusive and soulful community.
Strategic Plan 2023-2025
The four strategic goals of the strategic plan, Onward Together:
OBJECTIVE: Refine our identity and amplify accessibility to programs.
- Launch refreshed Mission, Values, and new Vision Statements
- Launch Pacifica Extension with foundational and innovative offerings
- Forge purposeful and profitable local, regional, and international partnerships
- Develop the Pacifica Soul Promise initiative
- Advance Alumni engagement and support through enhanced systems and coordinated initiatives
- Strengthen the Pacifica brand and public awareness/engagement in academic and public arena
- Launch customizable virtual View Book And Guidebooks as part of enhanced marketing and outreach campaigns
OBJECTIVE: Focus On Improving Academic Quality and the Student Experience to Reaffirm Our Commitment to Learner-centered Education.
- Develop and implement action plans from academic program self- studies and external reviews
- Implement automated Buddy Program, Student Clubs, and a Centralized Resource Hub
- Launch Learner Success Platform – new CRM/SMS integration
- Advance financial support (including for presentations/research) and professional development programs for students
- Create and implement a new framework for developing and launching online programs
- Expand online degree programs
- Institute New IRB process and policy
- Update student support policies and training for 24-25 Academic Year
- Appoint a permanent Provost position & new Faculty
OBJECTIVE: Improve the work environment and strengthen the culture with psychological consciousness.
- Implement new Shared Governance structure & decision matrix
- Appoint a VP of People, Culture, & Belonging and establish DEIB vision and strategy
- Implement new Faculty ranking system
- Identify new contract system
- Operationalize findings from Staff Compensation & Org Design Studies
- Implement a new performance review system
- Launch D2L Open Sesame Professional Development Platform
- Implement revised Employee Handbook & mandatory, measurable employee training
- Digitize manual processes for academic programs
- Develop a plan and schedule for Co-Curricular Reviews
- Continue advancements in Campus Safety, Emergency Response, & Sustainability
OBJECTIVE: Prepare our business model and infrastructure for institutional sustainability, compliance, and growth.
- Engage In 2024 WSCUC Reaffirmation Of Accreditation Process
- Champion compliance with accreditation standards and regulations
- Complete And Operationalize A Comprehensive Strategic Enrollment Plan
- Launch A Long-term Facilities Masterplan Anticipating Changes In The Campus Structure, Enrollment, And Ecology
- Develop A Technology Plan That Ensures Security And Support For Remote Workforce And Learners
- Complete PSP Feasibility Study And Fundraising