The Board takes all concerns seriously; however, we will not be influenced by unreasonable demands and threats. By way of due process, we will be investigating the merits as well as the origin of these claims and will, in due course, determine what if any action is warranted.
In the meantime, the Board unanimously and wholeheartedly endorses President Mattison and the exemplary work she has done for PGI, including such initiatives as:
- Executing our first Shared Governance Structure;
- Administering significant campus-wide advancements with our 2030 Strategic Plan, “Onward Together;”
- Completing the first ever, Faculty and Staff Compensation and Workload Study;
- Implementing our first Faculty Rank Structure; and,
- In the beginning of 2024, providing $100,000 grant funding to the OPUS Archives and Research Center.
We recognize that change can be difficult and there are those who are resistant to any change. It is disheartening that what appears to be at most a small few, have chosen to publicly and, in our view inappropriately, attack the work of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), led by President Mattison, and our Institution.
We ask for your patience and continued support during this pivotal time for our community. We are certain that the outcome will be in the best interest of PGI and that our commitment to our exceptional, diverse, and innovative programming will not waiver.
Pacifica Graduate Institute Board of Trustees