School Performance Fact Sheets

The Bureau of Post-Private Post-secondary Education (BPPE) requires Pacifica Graduate Institute to provide you with the subsequent documents to show some performance indicators of Pacifica’s programs. These performance indicators are defined by the BPPE and work best for institutions with a traditional student population.
Because the students attending Pacifica often are employed, many full-time, and often have family responsibilities more commonly than the typical students who enter graduate school right after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree, many Pacifica students take more than the typical two years for a master’s degree, and five years for a Ph.D. This affects the on-time graduation rate negatively as the metric measures the proportion of students graduating within the normal length of a program.
Moreover, all employment data provided in the subsequent documents were obtained through a survey and then had to be verified with employers. Because typically a low number of graduates participate in the survey, the employment rates, calculated out of all graduates, are greatly affected by the low survey participation. For instance, if 100 students graduated, but only 10 responded to the survey and stated that they were all employed in the field of study, the rate of employed in the field will be displayed as 10%, even though 100% of survey respondents were employed in the field.
Other Resources for job and career information that may be useful:
Please note, our MA in Depth Psychology and Creativity Program allows part-time attendance which may affect on-time completion for select students. Part-time attendance applies to this program only, or to special student instances in other programs.
Let us know if you have further questions or concerns and we look forward to seeing you in the Fall!
Pacifica Graduate Institute (PGI), began an Alumni survey to attempt to calculate the require data in correlation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) database, to provide an example when possible.
- PGI completes the required data for On-Time Completion rates based what the Department of Education (DE) considers on-time completion to be, typically 5 years for a doctoral program.
- PGI data on Graduates Available for Employment are based on survey data for Graduates Employed in the Field. Since Graduates Employed in the Field are extremely undercounted, the Placement Rate Employed in the Field may not reflect a true or accurate percentage.
- Many PGI Programs may result in freelance or self-employment. This type of work may not be reported or accounted for in a consistent or quantitative manner that meets the required fields on the SPFS.
- View the 2019-2020 Time To Completion Pie Charts (PDF)
Please note, therefore, that the performance data relies solely on student survey.