Admission Requirements & FAQ’s

Admission Requirements

In evaluating applicants for its programs, Pacifica assesses the student’s ability to demonstrate psychological mindfulness. The Institute defines psychological mindfulness as the capacity to attend to intrapsychic, interpersonal, and environmental issues by thinking metaphorically, demonstrating empathy, listening reflectively to one’s own language and that of others, and using psychological language in a manner which recognizes its strengths and limitations. All programs have an emphasis in depth psychology.

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  • Program seeks individuals who are psychologically minded, and who show evidence of emotional resilience, cultural awareness, and commitment to scholarly questioning necessary to work with diverse individuals and communities.
  • Program values students whose backgrounds include work in social, psychological, religious, or human services, and academic training in psychology or the humanities.
  • Successful applicants will display scholarly writing skills and an interest in research.
  • Program values students with experience in personal psychotherapy.
  • Application Requirements:
    • Personal statement (3-5 pages)
    • Resumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
    • 4-6 page APA format academic writing sample
    • 2 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional) with recommendation form
    • Acknowledgment of licensure requirements information form
    • Official transcripts – must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher education. All transcripts must come directly from your academic institution. Where do I send my transcripts?

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  • Applicants are expected to bring a strong foundation in psychological scholarship, specifically scholarly research and writing, as well as a demonstrated interest and aptitude for the study of depth psychology, which will be assessed during the application process for bachelor level applicants.
  • Program seeks individuals who are psychologically-minded, and who show evidence of emotional resilience, cultural awareness, and commitment to scholarly questioning necessary to work with diverse individuals and communities
  • In addition to advanced writing and scholarship skills, successful candidates will have supervised clinical experience and manifest an interest in the relationships among psychology, the humanities and human sciences.
  • The experience of personal depth psychotherapy is highly valued.
  • Application Requirements:
    • Personal statement (3-5 pages)
    • Resumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
    • Minimum 5-10 page academic writing sample
    • 3 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional) with recommendation form
    • Acknowledgment of licensure requirements information form
    • Official transcripts – must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher education. All transcripts must come directly from your academic institution. Where do I send my transcripts?

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  • Program seeks individuals who are psychologically minded, and who show evidence of emotional resilience, cultural awareness, and commitment to scholarly questioning necessary to work with diverse individuals and communities.
  • Program values students whose backgrounds include work in social, psychological, religious, or human services, and academic training in psychology or the humanities.
  • Successful applicants will display scholarly writing skills and an interest in research.
  • Program values students with experience in personal psychotherapy.
  • Application Requirements:
    • Personal statement (3-5 pages)
    • Resumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
    • 8-10 page academic writing sample
    • 3 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional) with recommendation form
    • Acknowledgment of licensure requirements information form
    • Official transcripts – must have a master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher education. All transcripts must come directly from your academic institution. Where do I send my transcripts?

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  • Applicants are expected to have a strong foundation in the field of psychology and a demonstrated interest and aptitude for the study of depth psychology.
  • In addition to masters level education and professional development, this doctoral specialization requires candidates to have work experience with clients in a distinct healing-oriented or therapeutic profession.
  • The program is ideal for diverse practitioners (licensed, pre-licensed, or license-exempt) in the following professions (partial list): Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Health and Medical Professionals (Nursing professionals, Physicians, Allied Health Providers), Jungian Analysts, Psychoanalysts, Specialized Addiction and Treatment Counselors, Expressive Arts Therapists, Spiritual and Pastoral Counselors, Health and Wellness Practitioners with Advanced Training, and Other Qualified Consultants and Counselors.
  • Applicants must either be practicing or are enrolled in the program for case consultation and presentation.
  • Because the program maintains a strong emphasis on learning through practice consultation groups, we seek candidates who are psychologically-minded and show evidence of emotional resiliency.
  • Prior commitment to personal growth and development as a client or patient working with a therapeutic professional is an important factor in the consideration of the application.
  • In addition to having advanced skills in writing and scholarship, successful candidates will hold some familiarity with, and aptitude for, the perspectives of depth psychology, and demonstrate a commitment to practice and research in a therapeutic and healing-oriented profession.
  • Application Requirements:
    • Personal statement (3-5 pages)
    • Resumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
    • 8-10 page academic writing sample
    • 3 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional)  with recommendation form
    • Official transcripts – must have a master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher education. All transcripts must come directly from your academic institution. Where do I send my transcripts?

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  • Applicants must demonstrate an aptitude in the following areas: a background in psychology through formal coursework or personal study and experience; a background in interdisciplinary studies, such as the humanities, sciences, and social sciences; a demonstrated interest and ability in scholarly research; and a familiarity with the perspectives of depth psychology, such as psychoanalytic, Jungian, and archetypal psychology.
  • Application Requirements:
    • Personal statement (3-5 pages)
    • Resumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
    • 8-10 page academic writing sample
    • 3 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional) with recommendation form, it is highly recommended to include 1 academic letter of recommendation as 1 of the 3 letters.
    • Official transcripts – must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher education
  • Personal Statement: Please describe your professional and academic areas of interest related to Jungian depth psychology and archetypal studies (noting key theories and practices that have influenced you and books you have read in and around Jungian psychology), and discuss how this degree would advance your professional and academic goals. Address your potential for success in the program, including anticipated strengths and challenges, and add any other information you feel is important for the Admissions Committee to consider. All transcripts must come directly from your academic institution. Where do I send my transcripts?

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  • Applicants must have a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher learning. Applicants must also demonstrate aptitude in the following areas: a background in psychology through formal coursework or personal study and experience; a background in interdisciplinary studies, such as the humanities and social sciences with an emphasis in cultural studies, social justice studies, and environmental studies; a demonstrated interest in scholarly research and active community engagement around an issue of their concern.
  • Application Requirements:
    • Personal statement (3-5 pages)
    • Resumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
    • 8-10 page academic writing sample
    • 3 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional) with recommendation form
    • Official transcripts – must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher education. All transcripts must come directly from your academic institution. Where do I send my transcripts?

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  • Program seeks students who have the potential to succeed in the creative application of mythological themes and psychological insights. In the process of reviewing applicants, attention is focused on past educational, creative, and professional endeavors.
  • Successful completion of a comprehensive examination at the end of the second year of the program and demonstrated proficiency in academic research are required for continuation into the third year of coursework in the program.
  • Application Requirements:
    • Personal statement (3-5 pages)
    • Resumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
    • 8-10 page academic writing sample
    • 3 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional) with recommendation form, it is highly recommended to include 1 academic letter of recommendation as 1 of the 3 letters
    • Official transcripts – must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher education. All transcripts must come directly from your academic institution. Where do I send my transcripts?

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  • Program seeks students with a background in the humanities, the arts, psychology, education, and healing professions. Other degrees will be considered. Successful applicants will also display excellent writing skills and show an interest in the application of depth psychological principles to their creative practices and/or work in the world.
  • Application Requirements:
    • Personal statement (3-5 pages)
    • Resumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
    • 4-7 page writing sample The program welcomes both creative and academic writing samples. The program prefers recent samples, and applicants may submit more than one type of writing. Examples include: A short research paper with references, an essay or article aimed at either a scholarly or general audience, a chapter from a memoir, a chapter or two from a novel, a collection of poetry with some accompanying commentary, a screenplay or stage play with accompanying commentary.
    • 2 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional) with recommendation form
    • Official transcripts – must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher education. All transcripts must come directly from your academic institution. Where do I send my transcripts?

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  • Applicants must demonstrate an aptitude in the following areas: a background in psychology, religious studies, or consciousness studies through formal coursework or personal study and experience; a background in interdisciplinary studies, such as the humanities, sciences, and social sciences; a demonstrated interest and ability in scholarly research; a previous history of successful educational, creative, and professional endeavors.
  • Application Requirements:
    • Personal statement (3-5 pages)
    • Resumé/curriculum vitae (CV)
    • 8-10 page academic writing sample
    • 3 letters of recommendation (academic and/or professional) with recommendation form
    • Official transcripts – must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved institution of higher education. All transcripts must come directly from your academic institution. Where do I send my transcripts?
    • Personal Statement: Please describe your professional and academic areas of interest as related to two (or more) of the three program areas: psychology, religion, and/or consciousness studies (noting key theories and practices that have influenced you and books you have read in and around these topical areas), and discuss how this degree would advance your professional and academic goals. Address your potential for success in the program, including anticipated strengths and challenges, and add any other information you feel is important for the Admissions Committee to consider.

Description of Required Documents

Official Transcripts showing the completion of your undergraduate degree and graduate degrees when applicable.

Two signed Letters of Recommendation and the Admissions Recommendation forms for the MA programs and Three signed Letters of Recommendation and the Admissions Recommendation forms for the MA/PhD, PhD and PsyD programs; one academic, one professional, and one academic or professional. Please note that the recommender must sign both the letter of recommendation and the recommendation form. You are encouraged to consider signing the waiver statement that appears on each recommendation form as a means of providing confidentiality for your references. Click here to download the form.

List all previous and present work experience, including appropriate dates and job descriptions. Include lists of the following, if applicable: areas of research interest; professional and clinical licenses held; clinical settings in which you have worked, and in what capacity; any publications you have to your credit, where they appeared, and dates published.

Please describe your professional and academic areas of interest related to depth psychology and your program of interest, and discuss how this degree would advance your professional and academic goals. Address your potential for success in the program, including anticipated strengths and challenges, and add any other information you feel is important for the Admissions Committee to consider.

MA in Depth Psychology and Creativity: 4-7 page writing sample. The program welcomes both creative and academic writing samples. The program prefers recent samples, and applicants may submit more than one type of writing. Examples include: A short research paper with references, an essay or article aimed at either a scholarly or general audience, a chapter from a memoir, a chapter or two from a novel, a collection of poetry with some accompanying commentary, a screenplay or stage play with accompanying commentary.

MA in Counseling Psychology: Please submit an APA formatted academic writing sample, preferably pertaining to psychology, counseling, relationships or human experience. The piece may be a term paper you have written in the past, a publication, a work in progress, or a new piece of work. The writing sample should be 4-6 pages in length.

MA/PhD in Mythological Studies: Please submit an academic writing sample, preferably pertaining to mythology, religious studies, literature, psychology, or the art. The piece may be a term paper you have written in the past, a publication, a work in progress, or a new piece of work. This paper should be a minimum of 10 pages.

For all other MA/PhD, PhD and PsyD programs: Please submit an example of a graduate or undergraduate paper. This paper should demonstrate critical thinking skills and capacity for research. This could include a research paper, relevant published article, or the literature review chapter from an M.A. or honors thesis. We recommend submitting 8-10 pages for the M.A./Ph.D., Ph.D. and Psy.D. programs academic research paper written in APA style with citations and a minimum of 3 references.

Admissions FAQ’s

Apply online to one of Pacifica’s degree programs and specializations. Once you apply and pay the $75 application fee, you will then receive an email with instructions for accessing your applicant status portal. From there, you will receive directions on completing your application checklist. Your personal statement, writing sample, and resume will be uploaded to your portal, while other documents will be emailed to

Deadlines vary with each program since each program has a different start date due to the cohort schedule, and the Office of Admissions is currently accepting applications for all programs.

We encourage applying early to allow time for submission of application documents and the admissions decision. Accepted applicants are eligible to apply for Pacifica scholarships by the August 15th deadline and assistance from the various departments that support student success: guest services for booking accommodations, financial aid, student accounts to name a few.

There is a $75 application fee that will be charged at the end of the initial online application.

Pacifica Graduate Institute is on a quarter system. (See the Academic Calendars page for quarter dates or contact the admissions office). Most programs admit students for the Fall quarter only, with start dates in mid-September or early October. The two-hybrid programs also admit in the Spring quarter. Please contact an Admissions Advisor for questions about the application for admission.

The Office of Admissions is only able to process an application for one program at a time, and the Admissions Advisors are available to help you select the program that will be the best fit per your goals. Applicants do have the option to switch an application to another program should they decide on another program. Only one application fee is required; the first online application you submit will require payment of the $75, and the fee is waived if there is a program switch.

Pacifica offers conditional acceptance decisions for applicants who have not yet completed, for example, their undergraduate studies, and can submit an in-progress transcript and be interviewed for an admissions decision. Once a degree in progress is completed, the conditionally accepted applicant must submit an official transcript with the date of degree conferral for their application file to become officially accepted before the start of the program.

Apply online to one of Pacifica’s nine degree programs and specializations prior to April 1st or as early as possible to allow sufficient process time to obtain any additional documentation required to study in the United States and the F-1 visa all Pacifica students will need.  For Spring enrollment, applications should be submitted by December 1st to allow sufficient process time. International transcripts must be evaluated to determine U.S. equivalency.  We will accept evaluations from current members of the NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services) and AICE (Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc.).  In addition, international applications must submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) results. Please contact the Office of Admissions at and 805.969.3626.

All TOEFL scores must be submitted to Pacifica in order to complete an application and we look for 213 computer-based test; 550 written test; or 90 internet-based test. Please contact your admissions advisor for more information about the TOEFL.

International Student Resources – Pacifica offers F1 Visas. F1 Visa prohibits any employment authorization while enrolled at Pacifica Graduate Institute. This visa is essentially a “commuter” visa allowing for easy travel across borders at least once per month. Please note that F1 Visa applications, or Change of Status applications, may take up to three months to process.  If a student wishes to reside in the U.S. please note that we only process F1 Visas – no H1-B, F2, or any other visa holders are permitted to attend classes at Pacifica.

Official transcripts can be submitted to the Office of Admissions in a sealed envelope or electronically. If sent electronically, please send them to Admissions at Sealed official transcripts must be come directly from your academic institution. When applying, send official transcripts only from schools where you earned a degree (bachelor’s degree or higher). If sending hard copies, please send them to: Office of Admissions, 249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013

No, but you do have to finish the degree by the time you begin your graduate studies at the Pacifica Graduate Institute. If you have not yet finished the degree at the time of application, you need to send your in-progress transcript to the Office of Admissions, but it can be unofficial.  If you are admitted, you will need to send your official final degree transcript, after your degree is conferred, prior to starting the program.

No. The GRE/GMAT or other tests are not an admissions requirement. The application file documents, including your personal statement, resume, and writing samples are used to determine the potential for success at Pacifica.

For most of our programs, yes. Pacifica requires a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved U.S. institution, or, for international students, an accredited degree equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an institution of recognized standing, will meet the requirements for most of our programs. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information.

In most cases, no. Pacifica requires a degree from a regionally accredited or state-approved U.S. institution, or, for international students, an accredited degree equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an institution of recognized standing. On rare occasions, a student from an unaccredited institution, or one that offers the equivalent of bachelor’s degree instruction but not the degree itself, may be considered for admission if they have an accredited degree from another institution. The Office of Admissions has more information.

Transfer of Credit – A maximum of 16 credit units may be transferred into Pacifica towards any of Pacifica’s doctoral degree programs.  All coursework completed more than four (4) years prior to the student’s matriculation at Pacifica Graduate Institute will not be considered for transfer.  Application for transfer credits must be made after opening an application with Pacifica and prior to enrollment.  Additional information about the transfer of credits and prior training can be obtained from the Office of Admissions. Please email the Admissions Office at or call 805.879.7305.

Applicants with a Pacifica Graduate Institute Master’s or doctoral degrees returning to pursue another graduate degree should contact an Admissions Advisor about the process.

The classes are usually a combination of 3-4 days of lecture and discussion and experiential learning exercises, with 9-10 residential sessions per year. Classes may also include group or individual presentations, and clinical training for licensure programs. The hybrid programs include more online learning modules with 4 residential sessions on campus per year.

Yes, we have online cohort offerings for our M.A./Ph.D. in Depth Psychology with Specialization in Jungian Psychology and Archetypal Studies Program, and the M.A/Ph.D in Psychology, Religion, and Consciousness program.

Class assignments consist of readings, papers, and/or projects. For the master’s program in Counseling Psychology, for every hour in class, there are approximately two hours of work outside of class between each class session. For the Depth Psychology and Creativity program, a blended hybrid program, students will have a minimum of 15-20 hours of work outside of class time using the D2L online learning platform. For the doctoral programs, approximately 20 hours of work per week is a reasonable expectation for reading, writing, and researching in preparation for a session or completion of quarter assignments. However, the amount of time a student invests in coursework (one word) will vary depending upon a variety of factors such as learning style and study habits. Most students work full-time while attending classes at Pacifica.

Pacifica’s programs follow a closed cohort model therefore we do not allow students to take classes without being admitted and enrolled in the entire degree program.  For Pacifica events, which are open to the public, please visit The Retreat webpage for more information.

Pacifica Graduate Institute prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, physical or mental disability, citizenship status (within the limits imposed by law), marital status, medical condition, or age in any of its policies, procedures, or practices. This nondiscrimination policy covers treatment in institutionally approved academic programs and activities. In conformance with Institute policy, Pacifica Graduate Institute is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Students who believe they have been subjected to any form of unlawful discrimination should submit a written complaint to the Student Relations Liaison in the Provost’s Office.

In addition, Pacifica protects all student speech and association rights in support of the open exchange of ideas and the equal and fair treatment of all its students.

Download the Title IX Policy

Pacifica offers renewable and non-renewable scholarships for our various programs to those who show high financial need and academic merit. The scholarship application deadline is September 10th.  Keep in mind that you must be accepted PRIOR to the scholarship application deadline in order to be considered for a scholarship.  For information about our scholarships and the application, please visit our Pacifica’s Scholarship page.

Yes, Pacifica is approved by the U.S. Department of Education for participation in the Federal Stafford & Grad Plus Loan Program. All students who wish to apply for the Federal Stafford & Grad Plus Loan are required by the Department of Education to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form each year of enrollment. The FAFSA form is available on the web at Students need to include Pacifica’s school code (G31268) to ensure the results of one’s application are forwarded to the school. Please visit Pacifica’s Financial Aid page for more information.