Dissertation Title:

Boomers at the Borderlands: A Narrative Inquiry into the Entelechy of Planetary Consciousness


Leslie Camille Harper

Date, Time & Place:

July 10, 2017 at 12:50 pm
Room A, Ladera Lane Campus


The purpose of the study was to explore the experience of aging and approaching elderhood for five members of the Baby Boom generation with an emphasis on community, imaginal ways of knowing, and contemplative journaling practices. The research problem noted that Baby Boomers are attempting to transition into elderhood during a particularly challenging economic, environmental, and social moment, and asked: “How do these economic, environmental, and social crises affect Boomer’s experience of growing older and continuing contributions to society and community?” The research was conducted by engaging volunteer participants in focus group workshop sessions, and the narrative data collected was in the form of participant journals and transcripts of group discussion. The study employed a qualitative approach and offered a transformative framework for the narrative inquiry with its three embedded themes of environmental, economic, and equity crises. Data collection, analysis, and interpretation practices were based on ethnography and content analysis, and were performed in part with the assistance of focus group members. Validity checking was built into the design and consisted of crystallization and member-checking techniques. Study findings centered upon the struggle of reconciliation represented by oppositional forces residing within the data, the thematic structures, and the gargantuan crises that undergird the study.


Pacifica is pleased to invite you to the oral defense of Leslie Camille Harper.  If you plan on attending, please keep the following in mind:
Parking is available on the Ladera Lane campus; therefore Pacifica shuttle service is not available.
Students will be on campus for coursework.  Please be considerate of those students.  Note that dining room service is only available to coursework students and is not available to oral defense attendees.
Thank you for your kind consideration of our students and campus!

  • Program/Track/Year: Depth Psychology with Specialization in Community Psychology, Liberation Psychology & Ecopsychology, Track P, 2010
  • Chair: Dr. Nuria Ciofalo
  • Reader: Dr. Gregor Sarkisian
  • External Reader: Dr. Judith Pruess-Mellow
  • Keywords: Enantiodromia, Community, Participative, Conscientização, Utopian, Environmental, Economic, Equity Crises