Dissertation Oral Defenses

Candidate: Joey Paynter Date: February 26, 2021 Time: 11:00 am

The purpose of this study was to explore the image of the hidden, the invisible, and the unknown through an encounter with the mythic figures of Kore/Persephone, Demeter, Hekate, Hades, and Zeus in the Homeric “Hymn to Demeter.” This art-based research project culminated in an expressive arts video that engages the living images and subsequently…

Candidate: Douglas S. Medgyesi Date: February 25, 2021 Time: 3:30 pm

Numinous experiences (defined in this study as direct, unwilled experiences which evoke a sense of being gripped or seized by a powerful affective state of trembling fascination in relation to a mysterious non-ego ‘other’) are described as having both fragmenting and healing effects. Due to the prevalence of stigma, these encounters are often marginalized and…

Candidate: Sarah Imhoff-Jones Date: February 24, 2021 Time: 10:00 am

This dissertation examines the Jungian concept of holding the tension of the opposites. Weaving together literature related to dance, somatic theory, yoga therapy, and depth psychology this study offers an embodied access point to create a deeper understanding of this theory. Case studies and heuristic research methods are employed, including interviews and personal experiences, in…

Candidate: Samantha Wilson Date: February 22, 2021 Time: 12:00 pm

What are the roles of White people in disrupting White supremacy? A long lineage of White, antiracist action exists in solidarity with coalitions of People of Color, in which White people are called to educate and organize other White people as part of challenging White supremacy and building antiracist White identity. What praxes are most…

Candidate: Peter Benedict Date: February 16, 2021 Time: 2:00 pm

Arising in the context of growing interest in mindfulness and the intersections of community psychology and somatic psychology, this study examined dynamic, transient, and dialectical aspects of the shared emotional connection dimension of psychological sense of community (SOC) in the phenomenon of experiencing simultaneously the tensions of feeling both sense of community and lack of…

Candidate: Lisa Fladager Date: January 29, 2021 Time:

This heuristic self-inquiry explored the impact of betrayal trauma on the bodysoul. Using Authentic Movement and active imagination, the author tracked and recorded details of her animate, embodied experience of suffering following betrayal trauma and noted how those details were catalysts to healing and progression on an individuation path as described by C. G. Jung.…

Candidate: Brandon LeRoy Lott Date: January 29, 2021 Time:

The Alice Griffith community is embedded in an unresolved historical relationship with systemic racism. After decades of deliberate marginalization in San Francisco and centuries of systemic violence in the United States, to correctly address the alienation and the psychiatric implications of serial forced displacement community-led initiatives, grounded in professional support that center dialogue, participatory citizenship,…

Candidate: Carole Standish Mora Date: January 27, 2021 Time:

This study explores, develops, describes and engages with the concept of archaic pilgrimage as it is mythopoetically enacted in W. G. Sebald’s The Rings of Saturn (1998). This text is mined for the archetypal aspects of trauma as it surfaces within melancholy. Particular attention is given to the way memory engages us with history, facilitating…

Candidate: Fabienne L. E. Abt Date: January 15, 2021 Time:

Adopting a phenomenological approach within an ecopsychological setting, this study delved into participants’ experiences of agency in equine-assisted counseling (EAC). Audiovisually recorded experiences and testimonies of 27 participants were examined. The findings confirm that agency is embodied: All agentic processes, including deliberate choosing and acting, encompass somatic responses or bodily wisdom. Moreover, this research has…

Candidate: Lorraine May Levy Date: January 13, 2021 Time:

This research focuses on the parallels between the Underworld journey of Persephone, from the Greek text the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, and the journey through the Underworld of sexual assault, with its own path of return and recovery. This project highlights the mission of The Grateful Garments Project and local sexual assault response teams (SART)…

Candidate: Holly Suzanne Greenberg Date: December 21, 2020 Time:

A transformation in O is Wilfred Bion’s most esoteric concept. O stretches contemporary psychoanalytic thought out of object relations and into the numinous. Much has been written in attempts to understand O, and to understand Bion’s shift into what some consider to be more mystical realms. Pages have been written regarding the philosophical origins of…

Candidate: Carol Cooper Date: December 17, 2020 Time:

This inquiry is a cultural and historical hermeneutic that maps classical Jungian anima/animus theory over the lives and work of selected female Surrealist artists and writers. The goal is to see how this data might expand or reconfigure the concept of Individuation as Jung describes it. Enriching this study is special attention paid to the…

Candidate: Molly Miller Date: December 16, 2020 Time:

The purpose of this research is to explore archetypal themes underlying alcoholism in women. Using a case study method, it explores the effectiveness of sandplay therapy for women by asking the question: how does the presence of symbols of feminine shadow contribute to the emergent transformation process in sandplay for women with addictive disorders? After…

Candidate: Barbara Amneris Niepelt Date: December 14, 2020 Time:

A qualitative, phenomenological study investigates how unresolved effects of combat trauma in American fathers who served in the Vietnam War manifest in their descendant children. Discernible effects on psychological development and general outlook in life were observed for seven participants, resulting from dysfunctional parenting, indirect trauma, and shared unconscious imagery. Findings are consistent with previous…

Candidate: Drew Harrison Smith Date: December 10, 2020 Time:

Masculinity has been in a state of disruption over the past 50 years. From the second-wave feminist movement of the 1960s to the #MeToo movement at present, the traditional framework of what masculinity has looked like no longer seems appropriate. Thus, men and women may benefit from a re-visioned model of masculinity that clearly separates…

Candidate: Jason Brian Sugg Date: December 9, 2020 Time:

The conceptual split between nature and culture has become a foundational part of how modern western culture relates to its world, shaping not only taxonomy and perception, but also the very physical design of modern life. That split has exerted a subtle but important influence on both traditional depth psychology and its modern offspring, ecopsychology,…

Candidate: Daniel Brown Date: November 23, 2020 Time:

This study offers an original contribution to the field of clinical psychology by integrating the theory of the nonsensuous psyche with the practice of psychotherapy. The concept of the nonsensuous psyche was developed in relation to psychoanalysis by Wilfred R. Bion, who built from a philosophical tradition stemming from Plato to Immanuel Kant and the…

Candidate: Julie L. Sheehan Date: November 20, 2020 Time:

There are many times throughout a woman’s life when it is necessary to stand in her own unique way. The ability to listen to her own voice and not be influenced by family, friends, institutions, or by society is what Carl Jung theorized as the individuation process. This dissertation explores the lived experiences of women,…

Candidate: Annie Katelyn Duke Date: November 18, 2020 Time:

Alcoholism is a devastating disease that can affect generations of family systems unless the pattern is stopped. Research indicates that when children are raised by an alcoholic parent they unconsciously adopt their addictive patterns and form distinct behavioral roles to combat the dysfunction. Because these roles are tied to survival within the system, they often…

Candidate: Yvonne Dolores Nelson-Reid Date: November 12, 2020 Time: 9:00 am

The continual rise in adolescent suicide rates is astonishing in an era where awareness and prevention programs are prevalent and help readily available. Families, therapists, and researchers struggle to understand why a young person would end their life before it has barely begun. Hillman believed that “to understand a suicide we need to know what…