Avrom Altman
- M.A., Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Licensed Professional Counselor
- Certified Hakomi Therapist
Avrom Altman is Professor Emeritus in the Counseling Psychology Department. He served as Associate Chair, Director of Research, Research Associate, Clinical Associate, and was a member of the three-person Development Committee that designed the current 93-unit Counseling Psychology M.A. Program.
Avrom served as President of the Academic Senate and wrote the first Academic Senate’s Charter and Bylaws approved by the PGI Board. He was a member of the Senate Leadership Committee, Shared Stewardship Coordinating Committee, Faculty Review Committee, Council of Research Coordinators, and Internal Review Board. Avrom was Chair of the Institute’s Faculty and Institutional Well-Being Committee and served on the Institute’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Avrom taught clinical and counseling psychology at the graduate level for over 30 years. He received the Pacifica Graduate Institute Distinguished Service Award and the Award for Extraordinary Accomplishments as Soul Tender in the World. Avrom was honored for 20 years of service at Pacifica Graduate Institute in 2019.
Avrom was President of the Claymont Society for Continuous Education where he lived in community for ten years. He is on the Board of Directors of the Gurdjieff Heritage Society and has taught 100+ seminars and retreats internationally based on the Gurdjieff Work and Gurdjieff Movements. Avrom was a student of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi at the Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, studied Theravada Buddhism with Bhante Dharmawara Mahathera, and became a Mevlevi semazen and participated in the Sema under the guidance of sheiks Suleiman Dede and Jelaluddin Loras.
He is a member of the CIVIQ Society, founder of the activist group Rise Up for Justice, co-founder of Flip Nation and its 50 state groups, administrator of Equal and its nine regional groups, and administrator of Just Policy Action.
Flowers of Emptiness: Imaginal Haiku is Avrom’s first published book of haiku. Please visit the author’s page at avromaltman.com.
- Lecture #1, Gurdjieff Gathering, Buddha Hall, Corfu, 2023
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- Lecture #2, Gurdjieff Gathering, Buddha Hall, Corfu, 2023
Watch Here - A Quality of Being: The Gurdjieff Work and Gurdjieff Movements with Avrom Altman
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- Hakomi Body-Centered Depth Psychotherapy: A Path With Heart
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- The Creation of Soul, Counseling Psychology Faculty Colloquia, Fall, 2018
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- Flowers of Emptiness: Imaginal Haiku, Avrom’s poetry reading at Chaucer’s Books, Santa Barbara, 4/24/2023
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- Commencement statement to graduating students, Counseling Psychology Program, Spring, 2020
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- Self Remembrance: A Quality of Being, Gurdjieff Movements Gathering, Taipei, Taiwan, May, 2019
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- Transformation, Lecture #1, Gurdjieff Movements Gathering, Taipei, Taiwan, May, 2019
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- Sacred Impulses, Lecture #2, Gurdjieff Movements Gathering, Taipei, Taiwan, May, 2019
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- Transformation of the Inner Life, Lecture, Gurdjieff Movements Gathering, Buddha Hall, Corfu, Greece, October, 2018
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