Pacifica sends care and support to all those affected by the LA wildfires. Visit our Information and Resource Page (linked here) for more information.
Hana R Masud

Hana R Masud


  • Ph.D., Community Psychology, National Louis University in Chicago

Hana R. Masud, Ph.D., is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Dr. Atallah’s Research Team at the University of Massachusetts Boston, Dr. Masud’s research focuses on the coloniality of mental health services and its impact on re-colonizing local resistance. Masud is the chair of Decolonial Racial Justice in Praxis, an initiative of Psychologists for Social Responsibility Group of doctoral students, and faculty of color, committed to studying the psychology of colonization. And also an active participant in the Global Psychosocial Network (GPN), composed of experts dealing with the horrors and atrocities of imperial relations, capitalism and the humanitarian crises it creates worldwide. Dr. Masud aims to build collaborative partnerships with Mental health workers and marginalized communities in shared efforts to transform conditions of inequity towards wellness and justice in Boston, Chicago, and Palestine. Masud regularly teaches graduate courses in clinical PsyD, M.A., and Ph.D. programs with a focus on community psychology from a critical decolonial perspective.