Dissertation Title:

Reconnecting Emotions Through Music: A Depth Psychotherapy Consideration


Tamara Nerdrum

Date, Time & Place:

May 27, 2021 at 1:00 pm


Music is pervasive in every culture. Nearly everybody listens to music everyday. Music helps people connect to their emotions. In this qualitative phenomenological study, the researcher explores the insights of people of different cultures, ages, and gender to discover how music can change mood. People connect events to emotion, which is easily extracted with the use of music. This dissertation presents research to support how the brain changes while listening to different types of music, thus understanding how one might unlock a memory to be able to come to a resolution and release unresolved trauma. As a tool in depth psychotherapy people connect events to emotion, which is easily extracted with the use of music. Listening to certain pieces of music that help connect one to a past event is key to demonstrating the importance of the use of music as image in therapy. This research demonstrates how often people connect events to emotion, which is easily extracted with the use of music, and quickly becoming a valuable tool in depth psychotherapy.

  • Program/Track/Year: Depth Psychology Psychotherapy, T, 2013
  • Chair: Dr. Lionel Corbett
  • Reader: Dr. Sukey Fontelieu
  • External Reader: Dr. Jonathan Brady
  • Keywords: Depth Psychotherapy, Music Psychotherapy, Music Psychotherapy And Depression, Music Therapy And Entrainment, Music Therapy, Plasticity, Entrainment, Music Therapy, Depression, Entrainment