Dissertation Title:

A New Vision: The Revelation of Wholeness by Sophia and Jesus


Pamela S. Alexander

Date, Time & Place:

September 6, 2016 at 12:00 pm
Room A, Ladera Lane campus


Beauty lifts our souls above, mundane concerns to realms of love. Sophia is the soul that falls asleep, identifies with the conditioned ego story associated with matter, and is awakened by Jesus, the spirit. The spirit arouses the soul with dreams, beauty, art, poetry, love, and life events, to remind her of his presence and their union. When the soul remembers she and spirit are One, the Christ-Self is revealed. This research utilizes heuristics, grounded in Jungian theory, to explore a vision of Sophia and Jesus marrying and an encounter with a living ouroboros that consisted of two slugs curled around an egg. The wholeness of Eden, in the Christ-Self archetype, is, and always was, available. There is no separation, brokenness, or anything to fix. That which is called evil is revealed to be the impetus for the creation of consciousness. The Apocalypse, meaning revelation, is the destruction of the material world, which the soul has identified with, to reveal the soul’s truth of ouroboric wholeness. The beginning and end are the same. The soul realizes Christ, as she was in the beginning, like a child without judgment, all good, love, peace, and at rest. The soul unites Heaven and Earth, by surrendering to life, trusting that what appears reflects her state of consciousness, witnessing what arises while remaining rooted in stillness, accepting everything without judgment, and loving all unconditionally. The soul is free, home, and Eden is restored.


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  • Program/Track/Year: Depth Psychology, Track K, 2009
  • Chair: Dr. Allen Koehn
  • Reader: Dr. Lisa Sloan
  • External Reader: Dr. Robin van Loben Sels
  • Keywords: Christ, Self, Ouroboros, Love, Sophia, Jesus, Wholeness, Christianity, Sacred Marriage