Newsletters & Journals
The Between Journal
Mythological Studies Journal
Volume X (2022)
- 2022 Mythological Studies Journal
Print edition of the journal can be ordered through MagCloud (costs listed are the cost of print-on-demand):
Volume IX (2021)
- 2021 Mythological Studies Journal
Print edition of the journal can be ordered through MagCloud (costs listed are the cost of print-on-demand):
Volume VIII (2020)
- 2020 Mythological Studies Journal
Print edition of the journal can be ordered through MagCloud (costs listed are the cost of print-on-demand):
Volume VII (2019)
Volume VI (2018)
Volume V (2014)
- Good Man Down: The Myth of Masculine Violence in American Society by David S. McCabe
- Violence and Veneration: Tapping a sadomasochistic vein in the American psyche by Angelina Avedano
- Soul-Making and the Colorado Shooting: James Holmes as the Joker, Trickster, Savior by Michael Bogar
- Demeter and Persephone as Temenos: A Perspective of Understanding Postpartum Depression by Stephanie Zajchowski
- Shading in a Violent Shadow: A Hero’s Confrontation with the American Shadow in Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas by Leontine Armstrong
Volume IV (2013)
- Cheap Tattered Gloves: Getting a Grip in the Modern World by Timothy Hall
- The Ecopsychology of Milk by Odette Springer
- The (Mal) Creation of Food the Monsanto Way: A Call to Return a Mythic Sensitivity to Food Production by Clara Oropeza
- The Necessary Relativity of Secrecy by Nina Hatfield
- A Transformation of Gawain: A Human Experience by Leontine Armstrong
- From Republican Chaos to Imperial Cosmos: Virgil’s New Myth for Augustan Rome in the Aeneid by Matt Wheeler
- “The Music of the Spheres”: Musical Theory and Alchemical Image by Margaret Mendenhall
Volume III (2012)
- The Loa Mounts: Physical, Religious, Cultural, and Psychological Aspects of Possession by Jody Gentian Bower
- Re-Visioning Patriarchy Through the Lens of Homer’s Odyssey by Michael Dean Bogar
- The Salt That She Became: The Unnamed Wife in Genesis by Emma Tresemer
- The Hermetic Christ by Rebecca Diggs
- The Concubine as Mytheme of Convergence and Differentiation in Hebrew Mythology by Karin Zirk
- Terminal Mercury Poisoning: The Threatened Extinction of Primordial Mind by Anita Doyle
- In Techno-Eden: Fantasies of Death and Rebirth in The Fountain by Dorene Sue Koehler
- Drawing Water, Drawing Breath by Odette Springer
Volume II (2011)
- In a Dark Time, The Eye Begins to See: Plumbing the Subtle Depths of Alchemical Saturn by Anita Doyle
- The Lyre and the Drum: Dionysus and Apollo throughout Music History by Kathleen Asbo
- Get Lost! The Psychic Value of Wilderness Adventures in the Lives of Children by Aaron Duggan
- Relinquishing Grief: Orpheus, Eurydice, and Hermes in Truly Madly Deeply by Jody Bower
- Archetypal Interpretation of Sleeping Beauty: Awakening the Power of Love by Grace Hogstad
- The Underworld at the End of the Maze: Re-entering Pan’s Labryinth by Emma Tresemer
- Mandalas of Fast-Fish and Loose-Fish: Geometric Soul-Images in Melville’s Moby-Dick by Laura Strudwick
Volume I (2010)
- Epic Fathering: Homer’s Odyssey as Healer of the Puer-Senex Split and Restorer of Mythic Movement by Gustavo Beck
- Woodlands, Farmlands and Homesteads: The Landscapes of Childhood and Discovery of Soul by Kathie Collins
- The Whirling Subalpine Fir: An Encounter with Nature, Psyche and Myth by Darla Dench
- Under-Standing: The Divine Messenger Hermes and the Character of Hermeneutics by Rebecca Diggs
- Nex Ex Machina, Or Bringing It All Back Home: The Fallacy and Fantasy of Sacrificeless Warfare and Why It Will Never Work by Aaron Duggan
- The Tri-Wizard Cup: Alchemy and Transformation in Harry Potter by Priscilla Hobbs
- The Longissima Via by Maureen Murdock
- Thinking in Narrative: Seeing Through To the Myth in Philosophy by Joe Muszynski
- “Red Feels Like Red!”: The Aesthetic Body in the Sensual World by Leslie Stoupas
- Infinite Space and Self-Similar Form in Alchemy and Fractal Geometry by Laura Strudwick
- The Open-Mouthed Condition: Odysseus’ Transition from Warrior to Ruler by S. Asher Sund
- When Shadows Meet: The Interplay of Archetypes in The Bacchae by Emma Tresemer
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